



Even with culturally relevant services and support it may take time to find what works for you or your child(ren). Nevertheless, with research and the resources provided, you can get the care that is needed.

Starting therapy with someone new may feel extremely awkward at first for children and their families. 对自己和孩子要有耐心. It is okay to ask the 治疗师 as many questions as you or your child needs to feel comfortable and supported. If you are not sure what questions are important to ask when looking for a good mental health professional, 别担心.

如果你找到了一位你认为很般配的治疗师, 但是你没有保险或者他们不收你的保险, 询问有什么财务选择. Some 治疗师 offer income-based or sliding scales to help with cost. 这里有一些建议 帮助治疗变得容易获得和负担得起.

也, 如果你或你的孩子目前没有保险或保险不足, Public Health’s Community Health Access Program (CHAP) navigators can help connect you to free or low-cost health insurance options.




非洲城/乌莫贾和平中心 乌莫加和平中心 满足了西雅图培养工作技能的需求, 对非洲裔年轻人的信心和文化自豪感. 该组织旨在提供减少反社会行为的项目, 青少年犯罪, 犯罪, 和暴力.

西雅图-金县黑人的命也是命 是草根, 以志愿者, 社会-justice nonprofit organization focused on the empowerment and liberation of Blacks and other people of color through advocacy and direct action.

西雅图和金县NAACP: 全国有色人种协进会 工作确保了政治, 教育, 社会, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination. Current programs include virtual book clubs and other online gatherings.

大西雅图地区的厄立特里亚协会 was organized by immigrants who volunteered to establish a diasporic community that would preserve their cultural heritage. Their effort to build a strong communal landmark continues to enrich the pan-cultural experience in the Pacific Northwest.

西雅图埃塞俄比亚社区 aims to facilitate a seamless integration of all persons of Ethiopian origin into the American society. ECS对社会有贡献, cultural and civic life of the Puget Sound area as well as to assist Ethiopians and Ethiopian-Americans in preserving and sharing their ancient and rich cultural heritage. 项目包括烹饪课程和老年人膳食服务.

Somali Community of Seattle works for the success of refugees to undergo a smooth transitional process and attain self-sustainable status in their new country. Programs include youth safety workshops and theater programs and elderly nutrition programs.

西雅图城市联盟 was established in 1930 to become one of approximately 90 affiliates of the National Urban League. 今天, ULMS implements its mission within our Seattle/King County service area through advocacy, 直接编程, 社区外展, 建立联盟. 目前提供的课程包括购房和信用建立课程.

2020年第16周:参加 为期一周的美国黑人历史和文化在线庆祝活动 with 西雅图-金县黑人的命也是命 and FW Black Collective. The kid-friendly events include a virtual watch party of the 2016 documentary13th, 引导冥想, DJ集, a food-related event with James Beard Award-winning Chef Edouardo Jordan, 莱佛士, 和更多的. 6月15日至21日.


听听Krista Tippett的看法, 播客On Being的主持人, 请与Resmaa Menakem交谈, 创伤治疗师, Cultural Somatics and the importance of our bodies in processing trauma.

听听喇嘛罗德欧文和BJSTARR when they “discussed ways in which anger pierces through to the truth of our reality, 充当镜子, 清晰的来源, 也是变革的催化剂. We also talked about how to consume anger rather than letting it consume us; Black rage; and the loving care we must also offer the wounds beneath it.” 


自我照顾是照顾自己需要的行为. 集中照料, 或社区护理, is the act of supporting others in meeting their needs and asking others to support you in meeting yours, building upon the notion that we are stronger together than we are apart. Both are important aspects of reducing stress and increasing resiliency.


  • 联系朋友和/或家人
  • 确保你得到营养和水分
  • 休息
  • 参加虚拟教堂、清真寺或寺庙
  • 实践精神
  • 独自冥想或与网络小组一起冥想
  • 参加抗议、游行和/或示威
  • 和你现在的心理医生谈谈
  • 参加体育活动
  • 跳舞或唱歌
  • 设定界限,独处
  • Making space for any act that relieves your stress and improves your resiliency