Seattle Public 学校



志愿者ing Frequently Asked Questions

I do not have access to the Internet; how can I apply to volunteer?


If you are not a family member of an SPS student, you can visit a public library or a community center. 要获取免费使用电脑和互联网的设施列表, visit this City of Seattle website.

Alternatively, you can visit the John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence, 哪里有两个电脑站可供申请就业及义工服务. They are located between 十大正规网赌软件 and Security offices.

How is volunteer information protected?

SPS和Samaritan Technologies签署了一份收集协议备忘录, 维护, 并存储志愿者数据,以确保志愿者信息得到严格保护,并符合或超过公认的行业惯例, 具体包括国际标准化组织的标准ISO/IEC 27001:2005(信息安全管理系统-要求), ISO-IEC27002:2005(国际安全管理实务守则).  Review Samaritan Technologies Terms of Service.

What are the requirements for new volunteers at Seattle Public 学校?

十大正规网赌软件欢迎社区成员到整个学区的学校做志愿者. In order for a community member to start volunteering, they must:

  • View the online Adult Sexual Misconduct Prevention safety video
  • Read the online 志愿者 Handbook
  • 志愿者 Application Form
  • Be cleared by SPS using state or national background checks

Is this a requirement for all volunteers?

这个过程对所有学校志愿者都是强制性的,除非你是一次访客. Please review additional information in our 志愿者 Handbook under the section titled “志愿者 Categories; Guests vs. 志愿者.”


作为我们学校的志愿者,你在支持学生方面发挥着至关重要的作用. 以下是我们对志愿者的一些期望,以确保他们有效地支持学生和学校:

  • Be prompt, dependable, and regular in attendance.
  • 支持和补充课堂老师的指导——你应该协助课堂上发生的事情.
  • 与老师、图书管理员或志愿者协调员清楚地沟通出现的任何问题.
  • Notify the teacher, 图书管理员或学校志愿者协调员,如果学生向你倾诉虐待的情况. Staff will do the reporting and follow-up.
  • 尊重学生和学校工作人员的隐私——确保孩子在学校的工作和行为是保密的.
  • Remember that you are acting as a role model for children.

I see that volunteers sometimes need additional background checks.  What does it involve?


  • 如果您的州身份证未满3年,则需要进行连续居住验证. 学校志愿者协调员将核实驾照上的住址(签发日期), 保险, and utility bill are examples)

另外, 在没有直接工作人员监督的情况下,经常与学生一起工作的志愿者也需要通过国家背景调查, as well as volunteer chaperoning field trips longer than 3 days.

Learn more on our page about volunteer background checks.

How does SPS complete national background checks?

十大正规网赌软件使用Sterling志愿者提供的“完整罪犯定位搜索”服务. 这个国家级的犯罪背景调查包括以下内容:社会安全号码扫描, the Department of Justice (DOJ) National Sex Offender Registry 搜索, the OFAC Watch List, Nationwide Criminal Scan, and Locator Arrest Records Database.

If an applicant has a criminal history (in or outside 华盛顿 State), SPS人力资源将审查这些记录,并确定志愿者的角色是否与申请人的犯罪历史相符. 例如, 最近的一项交通违规行为将阻止申请人自愿担任实地考察司机,但不允许作为办公室助手. On the other hand, if an applicant was convicted of a violent crime against minors, they would not be eligible to volunteer at SPS at all. 

What training is available for new Seattle Public 学校 volunteers?

每所学校都将为新志愿者提供学校建筑和学校社区的指导, as well as expectations for volunteers.

Are there any ongoing training opportunities for volunteers?

SPS volunteers can access a number of on-demand courses on our learning page.

在我们的社区中也有很多资源支持学校和社区组织的志愿导师. One excellent resource is the Seattle Tutoring Coalition, which provides three All-City Tutor Trainings annually.

These workshop-based trainings often include topics such as:

  • 101年家教
  • Motivating Your Students
  • Basics in Reading and Math Tutoring
  • Working with ELL Students
  • Cultural Competency 101

访问我们的 volunteer opportunities page for current openings.



  • Choose a school—you can find a list of schools: 学校直接.
  • 向学校询问他们目前的志愿者机会-见 contact list here
  • 如果有志愿者的机会,符合你的可用性和兴趣, complete the online application process.
  • If approved, discuss and confirm your role, schedule, and expectations.
  • 向学校工作人员询问培训和培训材料,如果有的话,参加培训.

What general volunteer roles are available through Seattle Public 学校?

Each school has different volunteer needs depending on their programs. 经常, 学校正在寻找有技能的志愿者,使他们能够很好地适应他们特定的学校社区.


  • 学业支持——在校期间以及课前课后的辅导
  • 丰富义工-提供丰富活动,如艺术、戏剧等.
  • Clerical/administrative volunteers—providing office or library support, supporting classroom teachers
  • One-time volunteers—supporting family events, helping with building maintenance projects, guest presenters


你可以在当地学校找到更多的志愿者机会 looking at the school website or the PTA website. When looking at school websites, 寻找突出的志愿者机会和社区合作伙伴名单. 经常, 以社区为基础的组织提供课前和课后规划,并招募志愿者. You can find a list of schools on our school directory webpage.


While most of our volunteer opportunities happen during school hours, 学校偶尔会需要志愿者参加一次性活动和维护项目. 建筑维修项目由我们的自助项目计划(帮助自己完成已确定的维修或建筑项目的学校)协调。. 请浏览我们的 School Self Help Projects webpage for more information. 

What general volunteer roles are available through Seattle Public 学校?

Each school has different volunteer needs depending on their programs. 经常, 学校正在寻找有技能的志愿者,使他们能够很好地适应他们特定的学校社区.


  • 学业支持——在校期间以及课前课后的辅导
  • 丰富义工-提供丰富活动,如艺术、戏剧等.
  • Clerical/administrative volunteers—providing office or library support, supporting classroom teachers
  • One-time volunteers—supporting family events, helping with building maintenance projects, guest presenters


你可以在当地学校找到更多的志愿者机会 looking at the school website or the PTA website. When looking at school websites, 寻找突出的志愿者机会和社区合作伙伴名单. 经常, 以社区为基础的组织提供课前和课后规划,并招募志愿者. You can find a list of schools on our school directory webpage.


While most of our volunteer opportunities happen during school hours, 学校偶尔会需要志愿者参加一次性活动和维护项目. 建筑维修项目由我们的自助项目计划(帮助自己完成已确定的维修或建筑项目的学校)协调。. 请浏览我们的 School Self Help Projects webpage for more information. 

如果在阅读了这些常见问题后,您对志愿服务还有其他问题,请提问 reach out to your school’s volunteer program liaison. If your questions are specific to SPS volunteer program policies, please contact us here.